Orthopedic Acupuncture

We specialize in Orthopedic Acupuncture & Sports Medicine to support patients experiencing pain, healing injury, and improving function. We treat people at all levels of fitness and ability. Orthopedic acupuncture treatments may include traditional acupuncture, electro-acupuncture, dry needling, myofascial trigger point needling, prolo-acupuncture, massage, cupping, Chinese herbs, and exercise therapy. Our approach integrates Traditional Chinese Medicine with contemporary neuro-anatomical assessments and techniques.

We have experience in treating out-patient pain and injuries, patients during rehabilitation and pre- and post-surgical care.

Orthopedic & Sports Medicine; Orthopedic Assesment; trigger Point Acupuncture; Dry Needling

Conditions Treated

General pain conditions

Arthritis and joint pain (hand, wrist, hip, knee, etc.)

Bursitis (shoulder, hip, calcaneal, etc.)

Causalgia/Complex regional pain syndrome C.R.P.S

Muscle tension and Muscle spasms

Myofascial pain syndrome

Overuse injuries/ Repetitive strain injuries

Sprains/strain (wrist, ankle, knee, etc,)

Stress-related pain


Headaches and facial pain

Dental, jaw pain and TMJ syndrome

Migraines and Tension headaches

Neck pain, Strain, Sprain and thoracic pain

Cervical radiculopathy (nerve root injury)

Neck degenerative disc disease

Neck degenerative joint disease

Neck facet joint pain and arthritis

Thoracic degenerative disc disease and/ or joint disease

Thoracic outlet syndrome

Upper back muscle strain


Shoulder instability

Elbow pain, forearm pain, wrist pain, and hand pain

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Low back pain, sacroiliac pain and pelvic pain

Chronic pelvic pain

Lumbar disc pain

Lumbar Facet Joint Pain & Arthritis


Degenerative Disc & Joint disease

Piriformis syndrome

Sacro-iliac joint pain and dysfunction


Shoulder pain and upper arm pain

Acromio-clavicular joint sprains

Bicipital tendonitis

Impingement Syndrome