Sleep Part I: Evening Routines

High quality and adequate sleep is vital for our health and wellbeing. As we enter the darker, colder half of the year, establishing a nourishing sleep routine is critical for ensuring that you are getting the rest you need. This post is all about evening routines: what they are, how to develop one, why they are important, and touch on a few other ways to support sleep. We’ve also included a worksheet that helps you develop a routine that will work for you!

So, what is a sleep routine? A sleep routine is simply a couple of activities that you do before going to bed each night. You probably already have some kind of routine in place, consciously or not! But an effective sleep routine is unique, and is sure to have the following qualities:

  1. Predicable

  2. Low-Tech

  3. Winding Down

Let’s talk about each of these:

Predictable: Simply put, the more predicable your evening routine, the more effective it is. Predictability helps us relax, and can help us transition from one state to another. Aim for a simple, easy to follow bedtime routine that begins and ends at around the same time each evening.

Low-Tech: The effect of screens on our melatonin production and circadian rhythm is well documented, and can hinder the body’s ability to enter a sleep state. The light emitting from phones, computers, and televisions will interrupt an effective sleep routine, meaning that “screen time” should be prioritized earlier in the day so as not to interrupt the important process of falling and staying asleep. Instead of watching television before bed, try reading a book with a bedside lamp. If your brain feels busy, or stress from work or other areas of life are making winding down without a phone or computer difficult, try keeping a journal of to-do’s on your bedside table to organize thoughts and prioritize activities for the following day.

Winding Down: Ideally, a bedtime routine should move from more stimulating to less stimulating activities, and take you from other areas of your house to your bed. For example, let’s say you always brush your teeth in the bathroom, lock your front door, and read a book in bed before going to sleep. The ideal order for a bedtime routine would be to start with locking the front door, then moving to the bathroom to brush teeth, and finally reading a few pages in bed before turning out the light.

As you can see, an evening routine can be as simple as completing all of the tasks you need to before bed in a relaxing and predictable rhythm. However, your evening routine can also include more intentional relaxation such as a bath or shower, time to stretch, or a few moments of candlelit meditation (to name a few!). It is also important to to include movement, time outdoors, and adequate hydration into your day to optimize your bedtime efforts. We also recommend minimizing caffeine to help you fall asleep and stay asleep.

We have put together a worksheet to help you develop your bedtime routine, and to keep your routine alongside other sleep-related reminders all in one place. Our Sleep Checklist can be printed and kept on the refrigerator, on the bathroom mirror, or even next to your bed as a reminder to prioritize getting a good night’s rest.

Thank you for reading! Sleep well.